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Benefits of Learning Indian Classical Music

learning Indian Classical music

Ever wonder why millions of people around the world are so drawn to Indian Classical music? Well, other than it being extremely captivating and beautiful to listen to, there is scientific evidence that proves that there are numerous advantages to learning Indian Classical music. Some of these include having health benefits, improving your math skills, and teaching perseverance.

Why Learning Indian Classical Music is Important?

It helps boost your mood

Music therapy is a widely used technique to help improve health. According to a study on the “Effect of Indian Classical Music Therapy on Depression,” listening to music causes the release of endorphins and nitrous oxide, which can lead to a decrease in blood pressure. The study found that patients who were exposed to Indian Classical music had both reduced anxiety and depression.

Additionally, learning Indian Classical music keeps your mind busy and helps boost your mood, which also helps cope with depression. It also helps regulate your heartbeat due to the breath control that is required while singing. Overall, Indian Classical music has numerous health advantages that you should take advantage of.

It helps you improve at mathematics

Math may not be your forte, but worry no more! Indian Classical music is a great way to improve your math skills. A study conducted in a school in New Delhi showed that there was, “a statistically significant improvement in mathematical ability” in the students. This is because of all of the layam and talam in Indian Classical music.

With the five jaaties, you will learn how to count in 3s, 4s, 5s, 7s, and 9s with ease. You also learn how different counts fit into different talas, further creating a facileness with numbers. For example, in order to create a swara set in adi thalam (8 beats in each avarthanam) which has a descending number of swaras, you must know which consecutive numbers to add up so that it fits into the eight beats and ends at the end of an avarthanam. A solution to this could be:

S , n p  | m g r s ||
n , p m | g r s p ||
, m g r  | s m , g ||
r s g ,   | r s r , ||
s  s , ,   | ,  , , , ||

It teaches you hard work

Another advantage to learning Indian Classical music is that it teaches you hard work and perseverance. Through all of the different exercises that are taught, a learner will have to overcome the challenges of mastering such an intricate art form. Furthermore, the cultural aspect of Indian Classical music teaches students the importance of respect towards the guru and the art form. All in all, Indian Classical music teaches important skills that can be applied to all walks of life.

Learning Indian classical music gives you a sense of achievement

Ever admired a great sportsman or sportswoman in your friend group? Or marveled at how well someone plays the violin and wished you could, too? Classical music is one such skill that, if you master, you’ll be looked at with admiration and pride by your family and friends. Singing a melody or performing for your family and friends will give you a sense of pride and boost your self-esteem.

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It will help you expand your networks

To add to the above point, learning classical music can act as a social magnet, making people want to strike up a conversation with you. Whether you sing at a party for a few people or at a concert, you will slowly but surely find yourself getting more popular. You’ll make new friends and be invited to jam up with, say a guitarist or other musicians.

Music has the ability to bring people closer and build bonds for life. In fact, a group of musicians can produce a better performance than what a singer can do alone, allowing you to leverage others’ networks. So whether you’re meeting new people in your online Indian classical music class or at a concert, be prepared to meet and converse with people from all walks of life.

Develop the confidence to sing all sorts of music

Like all forms of music, Indian Classical music too involves a bit of theory. You’ll need to learn rhythm, form and melodies. But once you do, you’ll notice that most classical music follows the same basic rules and principles, allowing you to learn other types of music far easier.

You may have noticed that people who learn one type of musical instrument find it easier to learn another – it’s the same in the case of classical music, too. While you may find that getting your foundation right takes time, effort and patience; once you sail through the initial few months, you will find it far easier to learn, sing and perform other genres of classical music confidently.

IndianRaga, the best online Indian Classical music academy, teaches both Carnatic Classical and Hindustani Classical music. So if you’re interested in exploring your gift for music, sign up for a class today!

You have fun!

Some people have fun exercising, others have fun painting, but for many, music is a passion and a hobby. Learning classical music, just like any other skill, can be tough during the first few months. But once you get the hang of it, we bet you’ll be looking forward to your time listening or singing to Indian classical music when you wake up in the morning. There’s so much to explore, learn and achieve through this art form, so much to inspire you and so much fulfillment to be attained!

To summarize, when you learn Indian Classical music online, you gain various health benefits. It improves your math skills and teaches perseverance, which that’s exactly why millions of people learn it. You will also develop confidence, make new friends and have fun along the way! If you think that this is something for you, there are tons of classes available both online and in person. Check out the IndianRaga website to sign up for online music classes!

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