Home Business & Career Education Is a Distance Learning Yoga Instructor Certification Right for You?

Is a Distance Learning Yoga Instructor Certification Right for You?

Yoga Instructor Certification

Is your hectic schedule a constraint and doesn’t let you enroll for a Yoga Instructor Certification course? The following article has a solution; find out yourself whether it is right for you.

Yoga discipline can transform your life entirely. It functions as a link between the mind and body and brings out spirituality. It develops wisdom and helps you achieve the new horizon of success.

Several yoga teacher training institutes are available in India and across the world for those who wish to chase the passion of yoga and make a career in the same. They offer the best locations, qualified staff, libraries, facilities, etc.

Need for distance yoga instructor certification course

In spite of numerous YTT institutions, many yoga practitioners are somehow unable to enroll for a yoga certification course. The reason varies in terms of finances, destinations, hectic work schedule, etc. To surpass the same, distance YTT certification course is introduced.

Introduction to distance yoga instructor certification course

Generally, if a person is unable to enroll for certification, they plan for a luxury yoga retreat in India, Thailand, Nepal, US, etc. But, distance yoga instructor certification course allows you to complete the certification course at home. It provides an online training module equivalent to a 200-hour YTT course.

What does distance YTT course include?

It includes different asanas, pranayama, meditation as well as techniques of yoga to help you gain the knowledge of teaching methodology. After signing up with the program, you will get access to unlimited recorded lectures on the yoga philosophy, teaching skills, DVD’s, training tools for the yoga class and yoga training manual.

Moreover, after completing the training, you will receive a set of questionnaire and an online practical exam will be catalogued. If you are through with the exam, the certificate will be sent via mail.

The curriculum covered by the program

As mentioned above, the program concentrates on Yoga philosophy and teaching methodology. Apart from these, it covers yogic anatomy, pranayama, and meditation a well as adjusting and assisting tips.

Assets of the distance certification course

  • It is flexible: Unlike the traditional yoga certification course which is time-consuming, this course is more flexible. It is self-paced where you can work and learn as per your to-do list
  • Availability of course as per your routine: You get the freedom to choose from the two types of courses i.e. online yoga course and recorded online course. The live course will give you the experience of a yoga class where you can see the instructor and ask your queries. Hence, the price for the same is likewise as compared to the recorded online course
  • It is penny-pinching: If budget is stopping you from joining a yoga certification then, it is apt for you. This penny-pinching course is available for a price of $600

Eligibility for the course

Any aspirant, whether he is a student, businessman or homemaker who wishes to learn and teach is eligible for the course. It will provide you all the resources and training tools needed to become a good yoga instructor. But make sure, to follow the schedule as per your time and training tools available.

Is this course the right choice for the certification?

If you are indecisive of whether is it the right choice or not then, you must know that distance learning yoga instructor certification complies with Yoga Alliance. As told earlier, it is equivalent to 200-hour YTT. Also, it offers unlimited email support to the candidates throughout the course. Hence, a perfect catch for yoga aspirants.

Though Yoga Alliance has certified this distance YTT course, the first preference should always be the traditional YTT course. This is because learning yoga in person helps you gain a lot; whereas, distance learning restricts you to the resources.

If you still can’t make it for the traditional course, plan for a luxury yoga retreat in Rishikesh or anywhere in the world as per your choice.

Also Read – How Can Yoga Remove Human Stress?


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