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Chronic Migraine Diagnosis and Treatment

Migraine Diagnosis and Treatment

Are you or some you know is suffering from severe headaches? Are the headaches focused on one side of the head? Are you looking for medicines and home remedies to cure it? If your answer is yes, then, don’t you worry, as I will share a one-to-one guide here for Migraine Diagnosis and Treatment. There are chances that you are suffering from Migraine. Need not panic, first let’s know more about this condition.

What is Migraine?

Migraine refers to a severe headache, usually on one side of the head – Nausea, vomiting, extreme pain, etc. follows this intense throbbing headache.

Migraine affects physical health and drains another person mentally, and affects their daily life. Migraine affects in stages, and even worse, it can cause a stroke.

During Migraine, the head suffers a throbbing pain and pulsing sensation at one side. Nausea, vomiting, sensitivity towards light and sound, etc., accompany the Migraine at times. Now let’s know the types of Migraine. You can do Meditation to overcome Migraine problem. To know you can read Ziva Meditation Review

Types of Migraine

  • Migraine Without Aura – This is the most common type of Migraine and is also called episodic Migraine. This Migraine attacks one side of the head and causes vomiting, dizziness, sensitivity to smell, sound, or lights, and numbness in severe cases.
  • Migraine With Aura: The term “Aura” cites the occurrence of various symptoms approximately 30 minutes before the headache begins. The symptoms of aura include;
  • seeing flashing the lights and wavy lines
  • inability to speak
  • sensory disturbance
  • weakness
  • Chronic Migraine – This Migraine occurs for 15 or more days per month over three months or more. The condition is also known as transformed Migraine. Over the period, this condition becomes less responsive to medication.
  • Abdominal Migraine – This Migraine is seen mainly in children aged 5 to 9 but can affect adults. Though this doesn’t involve headaches, as time passes, it can consist of it as well.
  • Apart from these, there are several numbers of migraines. However, they are the most prevalent.

Other common types of migraines are;

  • Vestibular Migraine
  • Abdominal Migraine
  • Hemiplegic Migraine
  • Menstrual Migraine

Symptoms of Migraine :

  • Sensitivity to light, noise, and smell.
  • Nausea and vomiting, pain in the stomach, and abdominal pain.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Feeling very warm (sweating) or cold (chills).
  • Pale skin color
  • Feeling tired.
  • Dizziness and blurred vision.
  • Tender scalp.

And in severe cases:

  • Loss of speaking ability
  • Seeing flashes of light, dots, and sparkles
  • Numbness
  • temporary vision loss

Causes and Triggers of Migraine :

According to the experts, Migraine can result from many factors, but the most common ones are as follows.

  • Imbalance of chemicals, including serotonin that helps to regulate pain.
  • Generic factor – History of family members having Migraine
  • Underlying nervous disorders
  • Irregularities in the brain’s blood vessel system.

Apart from causes, there are several reasons for the trigger of Migraine. These triggers include;

  • Lack of sleep
  • Physical and mental overexertion
  • Low blood sugar level
  • Irregular schedule
  • Jet lag
  • Dehydration

The triggers may vary from person to person, depending on age, gender, lifestyle, and tolerance. Other common triggers are ;

  • Mensuration
  • Medications for anxiety, depression, and other ailments or disorders
  • Consumption of alcohol, chocolate, nuts, caffeine or nicotine, etc.
  • Environmental factors like solid smells, excessive humidity, bright lights, etc

These were common triggers of Migraine one should take care of and avoid.

The risk of Migraine is comparatively more in individuals suffering from anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorders, sleep disorders, etc.

Migraine Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis of Migraine

According to the doctors, there is no specific test or method to diagnose Migraine. The diagnosis can take a while as a Migraine sometimes occurs without symptoms.

Some ways to diagnose Migraine are ;

  • Seeing a GP: Visiting and getting oneself checked would be the best option. The Gp may ask and analyze the following aspects. On one what part the pain occurs, or the pulsating pain. They may also ask about your lifestyle and other related questions. This Migraine may quickly help to diagnose migraines.
  • Referral to a specialist: The GP will decide and refer you to a neurologist or a specialist for the best further treatment. So that you can get relief soon and the frequencies of attacks become lesser.  
  • Maintain a diary: This diary will be the journal for your Migraine. And you have to add the date, time, and how long it went to keep track.

Is Migraine curable?

Migraine is not Curable, but several medicines and remedies are available that can stop or lower the frequency of Migraine. Also, a lifestyle change would act as a boon in this situation.

Treatment and Medications

Painkillers and other types of medications can give relief from headaches. The pills provide instant relief and also reduce the frequency and severity.

Some medicines for migraines are :

  • Naproxen
  • Ibuprofen
  • Acetaminophen

Some other medicines for its after-effects include.

  • Imitrex
  • Antiemetics
  • Gepants
  • 5-HT1F receptors

This store is one of the best places for migraine medications. The store provides the best facilities along with even better they also offer remedies.

Home Remedies:

The home remedies for Migraine include;

  • Avoid Junks – Junks’ food tends to trigger Migraine. The junks like hotdogs, sausages, chocolates, cheese, etc., are not suitable for a person’s health.
  • Acupressure- This acts as the best remedy for Migraine and gives relief from pain.
  • Apply Peppermint Oil – Peppermint has anti-inflammatory properties, and it helps give relief from pain, nausea, and light sensitivity.

Other remedies include;

  • Practice Yoga
  • Add Magnesium To your diet
  • Give a chance to Biofeedback
  • Book a massage

A Quick Wrap-Up

This was all about this incurable disorder, Migraine Diagnosis and Treatment. Migraine is not curable and has several after-effects. However, this ailment’s effects are controllable, with just a change in lifestyle and few medications. Furthermore, the remedies and the things to avoid during Migraine are also playing an equally important role.

Seeing the doctor becomes a must when the frequencies become slowly higher for best Migraine Diagnosis and Treatment. Migraine is the result of several suppressed tension, thoughts and feelings, and an unhealthy lifestyle. This is why being happy and having a healthy lifestyle are integral and necessary and today’s time. Heath is a crown, and one needs it.


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