Home Arts & Entertainment Digital Art Painting WHAT IS BETTER SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING – PAID OR UNPAID?


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The widely use social media platform is constantly evolving. It is no longer just stick to the conversations and content but becomes a vast channel for customer acquisition, marketing, remarketing and engaging existing clients to support one’s online business or brand. With each passing day new social media networks rise, advance technology focus on user participation, real-time content and already business or brand works to enhance their products. With all the all changes and advancements the old method of organic marketing is shrinking as the leading networks pay more attention to paid channels to monetize platform investment. The first era of social media marketing focus more on engaging customers while the new era works on acquisition and conversion. In order to choose the strategy between two for your business it is best to understand both first.

What is Unpaid Social Media Marketing?

Unpaid or organic social media marketing in Islamabad is done by using free tools that different social network provided to build a social community and interact with it, including post sharing and immediate response to customer comments. For example, if one use Buffer or Hoot-suite to manage, schedule and publish tweets on Twitter than it is an organic or unpaid way of social media marketing. You may have to pay charges to buy Buffer or Hootsuite license but there is no charge from Twitter for publishing your tweets.

Typically, now customers prefer to search companies and brands online to see their market value and reputation and what quality of services they are offering before deciding to spend their money. We all do this, whether make search to find the best physician in city, check reviews on your favorite restaurant or new collection of clothes on leading brands. And this is what potential clients are. Thus, you need an excellent website and strong social media presence to communicate your brand and resonate with your ideal customer. Potential customers plays important role to validate the brand or business to decide that whether they want to buy or avail their services. It is necessary for businesses not only to show up online in all right platforms but also make strong impact on customers. If you don’t have a well-managed or branded website and good presence on social media, including an account furnished with regular unpaid posts, you may be facing some serious risk that potential client will write you off as unprofessional or unable to meet their requirements.

What is Paid Social Media Marketing?

In contrast to unpaid or organic social media marketing, you have to pay price if you want to display adverts (regardless of format; image, text, video, carousel etc) or want to sponsored messages to social network users based on user profile. The cost of ads varies with the type of ad you want to display. For example, many ads incur a cost per click (CPC). The targeting abilities of paid social marketing are beyond doubt; still marketers need to be aware of diverse nature of customer demands. it is undoubtedly the more fast and get quick results but it also means you’re adding another channel to already crowded and fragmented conversion funnel so, make sure to keep track of return investment.

As we mention above that the natural reach of unpaid social media marketing Mercer County has been declining particularly on some platforms over the past few years. This is mostly because of the online marketing field jammed as every business or brand jump into the online platform. All this make big hole in unpaid marketing as very few users get seen what you’re posting compared to the users decade ago. Paid posts are perfect to boost your social presence. Just by spending little money on paid posts, you’re allowed to decide your target audience with you content. The platforms also allow your hard work to go a little further and reap more rewards. There are thousands of others who want their ads to appear where you want yours to. The advantage of paid posts is that it helps you to skip the line and get your posts in front of more users. Unpaid users have to wait a lot to build up a larger audience over time in order to see the same traffic as paid posts enjoys.

Which is Best – Paid or Unpaid Marketing?

The best strategy to boost your business or brand online is the perfect blend of both paid and unpaid posts. Sometimes you need paid posts to give instant kick to your product or services and other time paid posts are not necessary and can work well with unpaid marketing. Sometimes it looks that two marketing strategies couldn’t be more different and that why they work ideally together. Paid social media marketing can cut the long line and bring your site in front of your potential or target audience. While unpaid posts are best to build long term reputation and the strength of your brand or business, by creating a trustworthy and amiable online presence. This means without unpaid marketing and other expected content on your account page, your paid posts could appear salesy and gimmicky. Only the use of paid posts give bad impression that your brand is just a spam-bot trying to get more clicks rather than building a strong customer relationship.

Thus, we can say that paid and unpaid posts together become super-powerful strategy that can give massive boost to your social media account. If you want to get most out of your marketing than make sure to use a combination strategy that employs both paid and organic posts.


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