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A Simple Guide to Caring for Sensitive Teeth

Caring for Sensitive Teeth

There are a number of dental issues that make problems for us from time to time. Keeping teeth clean can be a good option for this problem.

Some simple routine care rituals are enough to have healthy teeth. What are some methods using which we can keep our teeth healthy and clean?

This article presents a simple guide to caring for sensitive teeth. If you want to love your teeth and do not want to lose them, this topic is for you.

Importance Of Teeth  

It comes as no surprise that teeth play an important role in everyone’s life. They not only help us eat, but we also smile with their help. We cannot imagine life without them.

Though artificial teeth can be tried if a person loses one or more teeth but natural teeth are always better. This implies that we should take care of our teeth while we have them.

Keeping Teeth Clean

The journey to have healthy and white teeth starts with routine care. No matter what you eat and drink, you should brush your teeth twice a day, if not thrice a day.

On the other hand, it is important to avoid sticky items and items that can discolor the teeth. To straighten the teeth, we can try metal braces (traditional) or Invisalign braces (transparent)

Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

There can be many causes of tooth sensitivity and it is one of the leading causes of toothache. Tooth sensitivity simply means some sort of pain or discomfort in one or more teeth. This pain is different than other types of dental pains. This one is sharp and sudden that can also be shooting.

Tooth sensitivity occurs when dentin (a layer underneath the enamel) or cementum (the layer covering the root) is exposed along the gum line due to receding gums. That is why the teeth with sensitivity become oversensitive to cold and hot items. In some cases, spicy or sweet foods can also trigger pain.

The following factors play a role in causing tooth sensitivity:

  • Overzealous Brushing: It is true that brushing your teeth too much can also cause damage to the teeth. It is also noticeable to know that it is not good to use too much force while brushing because it can also hurt the teeth. Actually, this act can wear down your tooth’s enamel and expose dentin or cementum thereby causing sensitivity.
  • Tooth Grinding: Some people are used to grind teeth with each other which is harmful to the upper layers. This act can expose dentin and cause sensitivity.

Grinding your teeth can cause the enamel to wear away and leave the dentin exposed.

  • Dental Cleanings or Treatments. Some treatments such as dental cleaning treatment can expose dentin or cementum thereby causing sensitivity.
  • Temporary Tooth Sensitivity: Oftentimes, professional treatments can lead to minor and temporary sensitivity that ends after some time.
  • Gum Disease: One of the possible causes of pain or sensitivity can be due to gum disease. For example, when gum disease occurs, the inflamed area pulls away from the teeth and expose the disease area thereby causing pain.

You should visit the nearest dental surgeon if you are experiencing minor or major dental pain.

Treating Tooth Sensitivity

Dealing with tooth sensitivity is not an easy job but most people have to live with it. Some treatment options are available and that works for some people. Using the toothpaste that is good for gums can help people avoid tooth sensitivity.

It is also important to use a soft toothbrush because the hard brush can damage teeth and gums. You may need more details about this topic. For more details, please contact your dental surgeon.

Fixing Sensitivity: End Result  

In the end, we can say that routine care is key to success for healthy and clean teeth. Moreover, avoiding harmful foods and beverages is also important in this regard.

This article presented a simple guide to caring for sensitive teeth. If you want to love your teeth and do not want to lose them, this topic might have helped you. You can also read more articles online. Do not hesitate to contact a professional that provides this treatment if you would like to dig deeper into this topic.


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