Home Health Men's Health Diagnosis and Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction, Prevention of Erectile Dysfunction

Diagnosis and Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction, Prevention of Erectile Dysfunction

Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is different from premature ejaculation, which does not get enough erection to maintain a satisfactory sex life or cannot maintain it, but ejaculates quickly to get satisfaction. The erection of the penis is caused by a process in which blood enters and is maintained by the proper sexual stimulation. The vascular, nervous and endocrine systems work in combination. Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction aim to find an appropriate treatment method to recover the erectile dysfunction or to determine the extent of erectile dysfunction by finding and correcting the cause of erectile dysfunction.

Let’s take a look at an example of a man in his 40’s who visited the clinic with the appeal for erectile dysfunction.

About Cause

The patient has been married for more than 10 years and has had a sex life as much as possible. She said that she was embarrassed because her erection was weakened six months ago and her erection was lost during sex.

It is said that cigarettes are about 1 pack a day, and the weight has been increased by 7 kg recently because of frequent drinking and drinking. This patient wanted to know what caused the impotence and how to treat it properly.

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Recently, as oral erectile dysfunction drugs have been established as a primary treatment for erectile dysfunction, many patients prescribe only oral drugs without a diagnosis of the cause.

However, if a prescription is given without an accurate diagnosis of the cause of erectile dysfunction, the factors that cause erectile dysfunction remain and eventually only treat symptoms.

One of the important factors in diagnosing erectile dysfunction is history and physical examination. It is important to thoroughly examine the various factors that can cause erectile dysfunction when listening to medical history. In this case, the blood test was performed due to smoking and weight gain, and the serum total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol were increased.

Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction

In order to know the degree of ED treatment meds, self-filled questionnaires such as the 15-question international erectile function questionnaire (IIEF) are widely used. As a tool for evaluating a sexual function, it is used for the diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction. The erectile function scale is classified into severe erectile dysfunction with 30 points out of 17 to 21 points, 12 to 16 points to mild, 8 to 11 points to moderate, and 5 to 7 points to severe erectile dysfunction. It was a patient.

In general, the cause of erectile dysfunction is mostly a temporal cause due to physical disease, but a psychological cause of erectile dysfunction can occur, and also appears a combination of organic causes. As a method of discriminating psychogenic erectile dysfunction and organic causes, there are audiovisual stimulation and erectile examination during sleep. Rigiscan using a small computer is widely used. This test requires attention to interpretation because it depends on the factors that affect the environment, night erections and the method of interpretation of the results.

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