Home Business & Career Education Different Kinds of Educational Technologies

Different Kinds of Educational Technologies


Educational technologies mean devices helping a teacher to provide learners with teaching information, to manage the processes of memorizing, to practice, to control over training results. There are special blocks allowing keeping and recording communication strategies, managing cognitive work and control of learners.

There are the following types:

  • Informational
  • Programmed Learning
  • Academic Performance Rating
  • Exercise Equipment
  • Combined

Those are cine-projectors, slide projectors, opaque projectors, overhead projectors, video recorders, televisional complexes, personal computers and computer systems (types). They are constantly improved; new ones approved and recommended appear in schools both as in general purpose and specialized self-access centres for learning foreign languages, complexes for learning physics, mathematics and other subjects.

Training personal computers get a wide play in the schools. They are used both episodically and systematically on the lessons in accordance with goals and teaching methods, let alone technical opportunities of a computer itself.  

A modern PC equipped with optional devices allowing combining texts with graphics, animated cartoon, background (speech and music) sound, cinema– and video content, is called multimedia («multimode environment»).

When used episodically PC are applied within a system with other means and training methods; which is why half of a lesson is spent on their application; small oftentimes standard programs are required for that. When used systematically, computers work during many lessons taking the main school hours; special big programs are developed for these classes, where storage techniques are provided (diskette in most cases), presentation of information (mainly on a TV-screen or a display), managing of the learners cognitive work, error analysis and measuring training success of a class in general and every learner in particular.

Learners should be taught how to use them before using educational technology. Learning tool serves as a subject of learning here.

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A frequency of educational technologies use has an effect on the effectiveness of a training process. If educational technologies are used very rarely each application turns into an extreme event and evoke emotions, interfering perception and learning content. On the contrary, educational technology over usage leads to loss of interest and active and active form of protest.

The effectiveness of educational technology appliance depends on a stage of a lesson. Usage of educational technology should not last for more than 20 minutes. Educational technology usage on the intervals between a 15th and 20th minute and between 30th and 35th minutes allows keeping the sustained attention of learners’ basically during the whole lesson the reason for this is that during every lesson characteristics of visual perception and auditory perception, attention, tiredness are changed. You should switch between intense mental work and emotional release, visual and auditory perception relief.

Author Bio:

Melisa Marzett belongs to that category of people who likes to learn new things and believes that learning does not end up with school and university hours. Life is beautiful and full of amazing things, which Melisa loves to write about. She works as a freelancer for Essay Editor at the time, which makes it possible to travel. Along with learning and writing, travelling is her hobby and the next destination point on her list is India.