Successful web designers adhere to the well-settled rule that less is more when it comes to designing a web page. A website with lesser elements looks more inviting to the eye compared to a cluttered one which looks really chaotic. Your website’s look is one of the reasons why people decide to stay and inquire about your offers. In connection, if you want them to stay, then you should avoid confusing them.
But how should you do this? One thing that you can do to make your website more straightforward is to minimalize it. Before you decide to develop a website in Singapore, our article will talk about what minimalism in web design is, why it’s important, and some simple hacks to do it with ease.
Minimalism Explained
Minimalism pertains to the act of removing unnecessary elements and only retaining those which are significant. Minimalism is particularly used in architecture, art, and other things that hold a visual element. Even this article right now is using minimalism. I am stating things in a straightforward manner by using simple English and short sentences or paragraphs with lots of white space in between.
You can also view minimalism as a method of delivering something without too much extravagance or obstructions. For example, acoustic music never gets old because it has a clean sound texture.
Minimalism can make or break a particular product. One good example of this is windows 8. Out of all, operating systems made by Microsoft this one proved to be a complete failure. But why is this? A defining trait of windows 8 is that navigating with it is hard because the start menu is really confusing and makes it hard for users to go back to the desktop portion of the OS.
Another example of a product that failed because it was too complex is Nokia Lumia.
Minimalism In Web Design
In web design, minimalism pertains to the act of making all elements agree or contribute to a single idea. That is graphics, images, photos, animations, and content must go hand in hand with one another. As much as possible elements that stand out too much must be eliminated because they make everything awkward or non-functional.
That said in the minimalist approach short website animations are recommended. Content must be on point and graphics and pictures must agree with each other to convey the message which your website is trying to convey.
Understanding Why Less Is More; The Advantages of Minimalism In Web Design
Making things simple doesn’t only allow your website to look more attractive it also brings other advantages such as:
Decreased Website Loading Time
This might surprise you if you’re new but your website’s size has a lot of impact on how fast it shows on computer screens. A website that has a lot of elements is unnecessarily large and requires a long time to load compared to one which is small and simple. Thus, for your website to load quickly, only use relevant images, graphics, and content and ditch those which make no sense.
Easier to Maintain
Websites with simple designs are easier to maintain compared to those with complex ones. It’s easier for a web design specialist to find which parts are having errors or bugs. In addition, adjustments or changes may be made easily in the nick of time or as needed.
3 Simple Hacks in Action
Keep Website Images Coherent and Texts Brief
When using photo’s as content make sure that they’re delivering the idea in a straightforward manner. For example, if you want to emphasize that your product is durable then the photo should feature something or someone trying to break or rip it apart. Have you ever seen a facial product having photos that emphasize the teeth? Probably not right?
For texts, try to adhere to the 1000 word limit rule. The underlying principle behind this is that page visitors do not have the time to read lengthy texts. For product reviews, a 700-word article is just right. On the other hand, if you’re aiming at introducing a new product then a 500-word article which puts emphasis on the special features of the product will do good.
Graphic Elements Must Have Purpose
Shapes, lines and other graphic elements must be on your website for a reason. They must be there to provide division on the different areas of your website or to make finding specific information or offer easier to users. Avoid having graphic elements that don’t have value and go for ones that make your website easier to navigate or use.
Stick to One. Two. or Three Colors, A Website that Looks Like A Rainbow Isn’t Recommended
Never put too many colors on your website. Using one, two, or three colors will do. Ideally, the first color must provide contrast so that the second and third colors stand out. The third color should represent what your website is all about. It’s common for the first color to be white (background color) and the second color to be black (text color). The third color is up to you so long as it agrees with the underlying idea behind your company.
On a side note, graphic elements must agree with the third color.
To conclude, minimalism is one way for you to make your website more successful. Designing a web page in a simple and coherent manner will raise its chances of becoming successful thus inviting more clicks and producing more sales. The hacks listed here are the basics. Learn them by heart and create a method of your own.