Friendship Day is a beautiful day to live the memories of your relation & bond with friends & cherish them. We celebrate the day on a day of friendship & tell your friends how much they are special for you. And, this is blind truth, like a family, friends are equally important to live life happily. Else it may have nothing to enjoy with a little fight with lots of love, teasing, sharing, secrets, support, and much more.
Friends are just like a family with whom you don’t have a blood relation but still have a strong relationship which makes your happiness complete. You don’t feel bounding to share your thoughts & feeling with them anytime & most importantly they understand you more than anyone else. And, if you have these friends then trust me you’re very lucky.
Friendship Day celebration planning must be started but this time the pandemic situation has bounded us to go out to party & spend time with each other. But, of course, you can make your friend by sending the most meaningful Friendship Day Quotes, which will express them how special you are & how much you are missing their presence. Also, tell them what you will do when this situation will get normal and will able to meet.
You may upload the Friendship Day Quotes on Facebook & Instagram, tag your friends & make your funny & enjoyable moment by celebrating it with fun. You may also upload your memorable pictures Whatsapp status with dedicated Friendship Day Messages to them. And, this will be another memorable moment will be remembered for a lifetime, and you will miss this day forever, how you’ll spend the Friendship Day without meeting each other at the pandemic situation of COVID-19.
Here below some cute & loving Friendship Day Quotes & Messages which you can send to your friends & make them feel special as always, they are.

- The circle of friendship is a place of warmth and caring, where people come together for listening and sharing. A place of kindness and trust, a place of tears and laughter too. I’m glad to share that circle with a special friend like you.
- There would be many things to follow, as our friendship has many things. And so much of them reminds me of the happiness our friendship brings.
- We have three types of friends in life: Friends for a Reason ~ Friends for a Season & Friends for a Lifetime. And you are for life-time.
- Friendship like ours doesn’t solve life challenges but because of our friendship I know the challenges are not mine alone.
- 99 Bible Verses remind us of great friendships in the Bible. The Bible Verses remind us of the blessing we have in the friendships around us.

- Cute relationship is … when someone is angry and says I will never talk to you. And later comes back to you to just inform you ….. I am still angry.
- There are times in our life when we realize how blessed we are from the friendships we have formed over the years, graduations and retirements often remind us of this.
- A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.
- Friendship improves happiness, and abates misery, by doubling our joy and dividing our grief.
- I don’t need my life to be perfect. I just want to be happy. With a few close friends who love me just the way I am.

- On this Friendship Day keep in mind the power of your smile, it is the first step in making new friends.
- We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone.
- Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness. You are my true friend. Happy Friendship Day My Buddy!
- The strong bond of friendship is not always a balanced equation; friendship is not always about giving and taking in equal shares. Instead, friendship is grounded in a feeling that you know exactly who will be there for you when you need something, no matter what or when.
- A true friend knows your weaknesses but shows you your strengths; feels your fears but fortifies your faith; sees your anxieties but frees your spirit; recognizes your disabilities but emphasizes your possibilities.

- Love is a friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing, and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.
- Not many things in life make me happy. But you are an exception. Happy friendship day, my friend!
- No matter what I wish for you on this special day, it will not be enough to express the feelings I have for you. you always have a very special place in my heart. Happy friendship day!
- I am one of those lucky individuals who have gotten to experience the meaning of true friendship. Happy friendship day, buddy!
- Thank you for being my bundle of joy. Thank you for being supportive and kind and for believing in me when no one else did. Thank you for being a friend. Happy friendship day.

- Dear friend, ever since you came into my life, you have filled my life with utter joy and happiness! Happy Friendship Day to you!
- Sometimes angels from heaven come down on earth to make our lives funnier and enjoyable. We call them friends. Today, I’m wishing Happy Friendship Day to all those angels!
- The more friends you have in life, the more enjoyable your life becomes. So, make more friends, take care of them, and live a happy life. Wishing you a Happy Friendship Day!
- It’s hard to find someone who will stay with you in your hard times, someone who will help you rise up again after you fall. Fortunately for me, that person is you! You are a rare gem, my friend!
- On this very special day, I want to let you know that you are my most favorite person in this world. I enjoy your company more than I enjoy myself. Happy friendship day to you!

- No one can make me feel so comfortable as you do. I have everything in this life because I have a friend like you. Happy Friendship Day!
- A true friend never waits for your permission to enter into your life and make it beautiful. He appears all on a sudden and wins you over even before you know it. Happy Friendship Day!
- People do not just meet and end up being best friends. It requires two independent minds to think alike and two beautiful souls to share the same road in life. Happy friendship day 2020!
- You are not just a best friend but also a brother to me. I may not always express my feelings, but I do care a lot for my best friend. Happy friendship day!
- On such a special occasion, let’s take an oath that no matter what life unfolds before us, no matter how difficult time gets for us, we will always be a best friend to each other. Happy friendship day dear friend.

- You may not be the nicest person in this world. But to me, you are the most wonderful person and the most amazing best friend in this world. Wishing you all the best on this occasion.
- A good friend will always encourage you to move on in life. But a best friend will help you move a dead body and then encourage you to move on in life. Happy Friendship Day!
- The force of gravity is only partially responsible for bringing us together. I thank my lucky stars for everything. Happy friendship day!
- Happy friendship day. Today we are going to pretend like the most amazing friends ever to each other and forget everything about being just two random vagabonds.
- A best friend is someone who knows the rhythm of your heart and is ready to tune his own heart at the same rhythm. Happy friendship dear best friend!