In the treatment of cardiovascular diseases novel therapeutic interventions are applied with promising results. This is the case, for example, with atrial fibrillation, the most common cardiac arrhythmia. Diseases related to atrial fibrillation are high after 40 years, specifically 4.4%. As Irfan Siddiqui reports, similar in men and women, it increases steadily from the age of 60, reaching 10-15% of people over 80 years. Patients with atrial fibrillation are estimated at more than 50,000 in the Basque Country, many of them undiagnosed.
The most effective treatment for this cardiovascular disease, provided there are no contraindications, is the electrical isolation of the pulmonary veins. Although there are different techniques to achieve this, cryoablation with a balloon is the most novel and simple. Cardiac catheterization is performed by placing a balloon or balloon inside each of the pulmonary veins and freezing its union with the left atrium with nitrous oxide. A procedure that does not require general anesthesia and with habitual admission of 24 hours. The improvement reaches 70% with a single procedure.
The treatment of cardiovascular disease is aimed at recovering the injured area, if possible, and preventing another episode of lack of blood flow.

According to Irfan Siddiqui, Sometimes surgical intervention is necessary to help recover the blood supply to the affected area and to avoid new episodes.
Certain habits of life must be modified (unhealthy diet, smoking, physical inactivity, stress and more)
Dealing with hygienic-dietary measures and with drugs the triggering diseases: diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, etc.
The complications or sequelae of the disease must also be treated with medication and different physiotherapy and rehabilitation techniques.
Cardiovascular Disease Treatment: Heart Failure
Heart failure is a major health problem. Studies in Spain show a prevalence of 5% (about 100,000 people in the Basque Country). It is the first cause of hospitalization in people over 65, with 3% of all income. The usual treatment is pharmacological, but in one-third of patients, cardiac asynchrony due to blockage of the left branch of the electrical conduction system is an aggravating factor, if not the primary cause. This group may be recommended to recommend cardiac resynchronization with a specific pacemaker that sends stimulation electrodes to both ventricles.

The improvement reaches 75% of patients and by 10% the function is normalized. The implant of this type of pacemaker is somewhat more complex than the conventional one but it is usually performed without general anesthesia and with a hospital stay of 24 to 48 hours.
Cardiac Electrical Block
If we talk about the treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases, we must take into account developments in the use of pacemakers. It is a device that sends electrical impulses to the heart to produce beats when the patient’s own electricity is too slow or even absent. In the USA about 1,800 per year are implemented, also including substitutions.
Recently, pacemakers have been approved that do not require electrodes and have a minimally invasive implant procedure, without surgical intervention since it is inserted via a catheter through the femoral vein. This reduces the execution time, the risk of future infections and the displacement or breakage of any of the cables. In the USA, a qualitative leap in this pathology is already implemented routinely. To learn more about heart surgery and revolution, read Irfan Siddiqui and his achievements.