Home Health Nutrition & Diet Nutritional Seeds – 6 Reasons You Need Them in Your Diet

Nutritional Seeds – 6 Reasons You Need Them in Your Diet

Nutritional Seeds

A few decades ago, Nutritional Seeds from plant-like flax, chia, and many more seeds were ignored for a long time because nutritionists were not aware of their nutritional profile. However, the health and fitness world has now recognized the nutritional power present in numerous varieties of seeds found in plants like chia, flax, and pumpkins and is rapidly promoting their benefits.

Even today, people are still confused about seeds and whether they are worth consuming. The truth is that seeds are significant for health because of the presence of essential amino acids and fatty acids that are present in them as well as a deep range of vitamins and nutrients. Further to this, seeds have increasingly and continually gained popularity across the globe because they have no side effects and are great in any diet. In this article, we’ll cover off the top 6 reasons you need to consume seeds daily and why it matters.

What Are Seeds?

Flax, chia, and pumpkin are some of the most widely grown as well as the most widely utilized industrial plant crop which is used around the world because of their diverse practical and nutritional qualities. These crops are used for industrial purposes in the world because of their rich nutritional content as well as specifically for durable natural fibers – for example, flax string or rope. The market for these natural plant products continues to grow and many products extracted from plants are biodegradable making them highly appealing.

 Simply put, most seeds are in the form of nuts but are often referred to as seeds.

In the fewest possible words, chia seeds, flax seeds, and other seeds are a fantastic source of numerous nutrients which are healthy for the human body such as essential amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, etc. Many researchers who are concerned with health have conducted research studies to study the effects of seeds in the body. They discovered seeds have an excellent way of stimulating the capability in the human body of supporting cardiovascular health naturally, reduce the risk of gastrointestinal diseases, alleviating constipation, and improving dermatological issues.

Nutritional Profile of Seeds

Seeds are an excellent source of lean protein for foodies who have adopted a vegan lifestyle. They are a great choice for vegetarians because they are naturally available high protein plant food. If you decide to go vegan, take chia, flax, or in your routine meals to meet your body’s protein needs. You can sprinkle them on your favorite noodles, on lunch-time salad; also, can add them in your smoothies, vegetable stir-fries, and into your morning breakfast bowl.

 However, do you know what nutritional value seeds have and what nutrients you are getting in your daily routine diet? If not, then let’s delve into the details of the nutritional profile of just one example – seeds – for helping you boost your health condition.

In just three tablespoons of seeds, your body will benefit from:

  • 10.0g Protein
  • Fat-14.0g which is 22% of recommended daily intake
  • 180 calories
  • 2.0g dietary fiber which is 8% of recommended daily intake
  • 1.5g saturated fat which is 8% of recommended daily intake
  • Iron is 20%
  • Potassium: 300mg which is 9% of recommended daily intake
  • Total carbohydrates: 2.0g which is 1% of recommended daily intake
  • Calories from fat are 126
  • 2% Calcium

   The detail of other nutrients one can obtain from seeds are:

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GLA-Gamma Linolenic Acid is a hormone that is a building block for prostaglandins which are specifically used in muscles in the human body. seeds and other GLA-rich foods help people with:

  • Skin allergies
  • Heart disease
  • Breast pain
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Obesity
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Premenstrual syndrome

GLA and prostaglandins help control inflammation, help to build muscle, assist in controlling body temperature, and are also vital for other body functions.

Essential Fatty Acids

Seeds contain an impressive array of protein and are a great source for getting a little extra protein for people who love to have essential fatty acids in their daily diet. Plants seeds have essential Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. It is suggested that the three tablespoons of plants seeds provide an individual an approximate:

  • 7.5 grams Omega-6 fatty acids
  • 3 grams of Omega-3 fatty acids
  • 0.3 grams of Omega-3 Stearidonic Acid (SDA)
  • 0.6 grams of Omega-6 Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA)

In short, seeds from plants like flax and seeds are the best vegan source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.


Seeds are enriched with about as much protein as soybeans. Without a single doubt, seeds are a completely natural source of vegan protein which means that every 30 grams of seeds provide an individual almost 9.46 grams of protein. Additionally, seeds contain all the essential 9 amino acids which are the building blocks for all types of body tissue. The added benefit of having seeds in a daily diet plan is that a human body cannot make the 9 essential amino acids themselves which require a person to absorb them through the diet.

Hence, seeds are a great plant-based source of protein because of the rich presence of essential amino acids. One named Arginine is incredibly valuable for its benefits to heart health.   


Seeds also contain fiber, which is contained in their outermost shell. However, even without the shells (i.e., hulled, or shelled seeds), seeds are still an amazing source of fibers. One estimate is that consuming 3 tablespoons of Plant seeds every day can:

  • Contain 1.2 grams of fibers
  • Stabilize blood sugar level
  • Promote gut health
  • Reduce the appetite
  • Manage the bodyweight

So, if you’re looking to purchase seeds, make sure that the shells are intact for the fiber benefit to your gut and body.

Unsaturated Fat

Unsaturated fat is increasingly gaining popularity across the world because of their wide range of health benefits. Polyunsaturated fats – which include Omega-3 fatty acids are one example of this fat type. The truth as to why seeds are in excess demand is that they contain Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA) which is widely contained naturally in the seeds.

An alpha-Linolenic Acid is an Omega-3 form that is crucial for long-term human health because the human body does not produce it in the body itself. People who are worried about fatty acid levels should add seeds to their daily diet to promote their bodies’ balance.

The added benefit of seeds is that they are low in saturated fats as well as no trans fats. Hence, incorporating seeds can assist the human body to improve gastrointestinal health as well maintaining the body’s blood pressure level, sugar level, and general wellbeing too.

Vitamins And Minerals

Seeds are a fantastic natural plant-based source of vitamins and minerals which the human body needs. Seeds are especially rich in various minerals and vitamins and are enriched in zinc, vitamin B, and iron such as:

  • Thiamine
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin A
  • Riboflavin
  • Potassium
  • Niacin
  • Phosphorus
  • Folate
  • Vitamin B-6

Health and Nutritional Benefits of Seeds

A few of the nutritional, as well as health benefits of seeds, are listed below:

  • Seeds may help an obese person with weight loss because they are the natural appetite suppressor. They help feel an obese person who worries about his or her overweight feel fuller for longer to reduce sugar or carbohydrate craving.
  • Seeds improve digestive health because they are high in soluble as well as insoluble fibers. They provide enough bulk to keep a person’s gastrointestinal system moving. They also help to feed probiotics in a person’s gut. Hence, seeds help a person’s body to develop a robust immune system.
  • The incorporation of seeds in a daily diet plan as a plant-based alternative for meat-based foods has numerous benefits for their skin, nails, and hair health. The oil present in seeds penetrates smoothly and slowly into the layers of the human skin and as a result promotes healthy cell growth which helps to boost skin, hair, and nails health.


Wrapping up – seeds are the plant-based, natural product people need – enriched with a healthy nutritional profile that helps the human body in numerous ways. Try to incorporate them in your daily meal plan because they are the perfect plant-based source of protein for those who plan to go vegan or already are vegetarians.

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