Home Business & Career Real Estate Real Estate Lead Generation: Are You Making These Mistakes?

Real Estate Lead Generation: Are You Making These Mistakes?

Real Estate Lead Generation

Without a plan, it’s easy for things to go wrong—and they will! Clients trying to sell their homes need the support of your entire team. If your team doesn’t have enough workforce or expertise, you might lose out on opportunities with these clients. When it comes to real estate lead generation, you need to have a plan. It would help if you determined how much time and money you will spend on marketing efforts. The following are a few lead-generation mistakes that you must avoid:

Not Having a Plan

Real estate lead capture problems are widespread. The first problem is over-commitment. Don’t do everything yourself! It helps to have a team since each member brings different skills and resources to the table.

Second, firms seeking new customers via real estate lead generation frequently lack a strategy. Before starting marketing, firms must prepare. They must know what they want from their marketing efforts. Hence, they must set objectives and devise tactics to attain them (and this goes back again to ensure enough resources are available).

Third, hurrying without having a broad perspective might produce complications when attempting anything new.

Misjudging your Market or Audience

Don’t create audience assumptions, and don’t presume what people want. Not all are alike. Check that your audience’s interests match your own. This is especially important for lead generation since results rely on whether someone is seeking information or a product/service, where they are, and other characteristics like age and income level, if applicable (e.g., if someone has kids living at home, then he might need more space than someone who doesn’t).

Forgetting their Name

How do you connect with a fresh lead? Through remembering their name. It’s a great technique to make them feel valued and build rapport.

In your initial email, use their name. Make sure you don’t sound scripted but instead interested in the individual. If they tell you more about themselves, ask follow-up questions (e.g., “How do you intend to use this information?”), the potential leads will trust you.

Making your CTA (Call to Action) Cluttered and Confusing

To motivate individuals, tell them what to do. Use one CTA and make the next step obvious.

Your CTA should match the page’s content. If you’re discussing real estate investment with a financial adviser, don’t make them leave your page for a form or phone call.

Your CTA should be easy-to-read wording that sticks out from the rest of your page’s material so visitors can immediately determine where to go for purchasing or selling property information (or anything else related).

Not Following up

Not following up on leads is a standard error made by real estate brokers. Be present when your prospect needs aid to attract their attention and interest. In many circumstances, this means following up 24 hours after a phone call or email.

In addition to following up within 24 hours, consider texting or emailing (such as asking for feedback about their experience). This may develop curiosity and keep your prospects interested in what you’re doing, so they feel more comfortable contacting you in the future if required.


It’s important to remember that there are no shortcuts when it comes to real estate lead generation. Establishing trust with potential clients and persuading them that you are their ideal agent takes time and effort. But if you can avoid these common mistakes, it will save you hours of work down the line.


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