Home Health Nutrition & Diet Things to Consider When You go on a Ketogenic Diet

Things to Consider When You go on a Ketogenic Diet

Ketogenic Diet

When it involves losing weight, the only way we see is “ketogenic diet”. Your diet is the source of your overall health. What you’re taking inside your stomach is actually determining how you’ll be throughout your life.

The ketogenic diet consists of a strict nutrition plan that’s high in fat, moderate and low protein and really low in carbs. This diet has been around for an extended time and it’s typically been utilized in Neurology to treat epilepsy or seizures that don’t answer anything.

So when nothing else works, they put children or adults on a very high-fat diet so that the body burns fat instead of carbohydrates and that’s extremely effective for treatment-resistant epilepsy.

It’s a hard diet to do and recently it’s been increasingly used in other medical conditions it’s also caught the popular imagination and people are using it who don’t have any medical conditions. Before you made up your mind in following the ketogenic diet for weight loss, you must consult with your dietician and get a health mot for better results.

How ketogenic came into existence?

In the 60s and 50s, there was a doctor named Ancel Keys who was a scientist and who concluded that fat was evil. He also opined that fats cause obesity and that it had more calories and carbs which substantially causes heart disease. The research thereon was only showing correlation not causes and effects.

The assumption was made supported by relatively weak data that fat was the enemy and therefore the incontrovertible fact that the scientists associated with him that were also within the field at the time were funded by the sugar industry to write down a report which was also been told in the New England Journal Medicine that sugars aren’t totally bad but fats are the real enemy. The one that was the author of that paper was paid by the sugar industry which was under the Dietary Guidelines which told us to eat less fat and eat more carbs.

In this ketogenic diet, you have to eat 6-11 servings of bread, rice, cereal, and pasta every day. Now at this point in our culture, we understand that 7 or 11 servings of bread or pasta is not a portion of healthy food. Yet that was what the government told us in the 1992 new food pyramid which correlated exactly with the increase in obesity and type 2 diabetes in America around the world because the whole world took on this Dietary Guidelines advice. This led to our current crisis of obesity carbs were thought to be helpful and fat was thought to be harmful.

With the increase in the sophistication of nutritional research, we have much more data and many more studies which actually clarify that fat is not that bad. In fact, as per the 2015 US Dietary Guidelines, they removed any limit on fat.

What is involved in the Ketogenic diet?

The benefits of ketogenic diets are proven because it is the best method that helps in reducing weight because it reduces your insulin and that they have a really positive effect on tons of diseases such as diabetes. Some experts go as far as to say that ketogenic diets are proven to assist with Alzheimer’s disease and even prevent certain cancers.

Ketogenic diets allow you to scale back the carbohydrate intake to almost zero. So the standard ketogenic diet recommendation is around 5% of your overall macronutrient intake. The rest will come from fats! Hence, scientists suggest that fat is far harder for the body to use when you are consuming carbs because carbs are far easier to access.

This is what ketogenic refers to. Once you will reduce the carbohydrate intake to 5%, you will enter a state of ketosis, which means that the body’s source of fuel is now fat. So the fat goes into the liver and in the liver, it gets converted into ketones. Ketones are similar to that of glucose which becomes the source of fuel for the brain.

What happens is, when you are not consuming carbs, your insulin won’t be sparked. In this diet, you will even have to eat more proteins also fiber so as to catch up on the fiber loss from fruits and other carbohydrates. It’s far more conducive to a state where you will experience a drop in calories and a caloric deficit and hence reduce weight.

How the ketogenic diet helps in losing weight?

Losing weight has always been a dream for a lot of people. Those who are still dreaming of reducing weight can imagine a scenario where they need to depend more on fats instead of carbs. The ketogenic diet has not only helped in fighting a lot of diseases, but it also helps in losing weight (which has always been the most important concern for obese people). What we’ve known from losing weight is to chop down on fat.

That seems to be pretty easy but the moment we are talking about the ketogenic diet, it works on a totally different scale. Instead of burning fat, you really need to consume more. It is because your liver will get back to its fueling process.

In a ketogenic diet, you have to take fewer carbs, as fewer as 20-50 grams every day. This diet will encourage you to eat more meat and other fatty foods including salty ones which are always in the alert zone for gaining weight. The ketogenic diet has not been studied for an extended-term gaining result but even for a brief time, it has been popularly known to people to reduce weight. Scientists are still studying the broader aspect of the ketogenic diet and whether or not it will cause any harm to your body in the future.

What are the potential risks in ketogenic diets?

What the ketogenic diet recommends is more fat. When you start reducing basic micronutrients from your diet, you’ll be having some negative impacts on your body like losing energy or having extreme hunger and feeling fatigued. The ketogenic diet won’t allow you to have multiple grains, vegetables, and fruit options but it restricts you to red meat and such foods that are extremely high in fat.

Our body needs carbs because it fuels our brain which gets the entire energy from. When we are consuming more carbs, we fuel up the muscles and run our brains. A ketogenic diet will allow you to skip some of the essential nutrients from your plate which could seem to be super unhealthy.

So there will be no legumes, no fruits, and non-starchy vegetables. Though the diet is starting to reduce carbs it doesn’t state to eliminate them. You can still have carbs but keep in mind the good ones. The foods that are high in good carbs are starchy carbs like that of brown rice and wholegrain bread.

In conclusion, a lot of people are following up on the latest modes of utmost diet chart to reduce some weight but ketogenic has never been stated as helpful. Understanding your body, your physician will recommend basic health screening, to keep you feel full all day long.


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