Who doesn’t like going to parties no matter what kind of party it is? Be it an office party, a party arranged by your friends or a party including your family, every such occasion radiates relaxation for you and so you should never miss on to them. Amidst your hectic schedules, it is essential that you take such breaks so that you don’t feel burdened and drained every time. Once you have decided to go on to any kind of a party, the bigger issue becomes your dress and the kind of outfit you must wear which should also go well with the theme and scale of the party. For women, it is pretty simple as they have far more choices than the men have and they are also more sorted than the men will ever be. To dress up accurately for a party is, therefore, bigger of a struggle for the men than the women as they have to choose from the limited options they have to look good and according to the style and theme of the party they are off to. We decided to help our men by giving them our honest advice as to how should they dress up according to the most common and different types of parties one may be invited to. The three main types can be an office party, a party with friends and a party with family. Each of the gatherings is entirely different from one another and demands a different version of you every time. It might seem pretty draining but there are some simple steps you need to be mindful of and there you are with the best version of yourself exactly according to the grandeur of the party you are at.
Below are the three different types of dressing you can opt for according to the three different kinds of parties you might be invited to:


Your school parties and more specifically parties arranged by your office comes under this heading. Since things are to be kept light, simple and more formal in such parties, it isn’t very difficult to dress up as your choices as men become more limited. Dark and sparkling colors are a complete no for such events as it would definitely not look good to wear a bright golden dress to a business event or an office presentation. Since all such funky options are now unavailable to you, you are only left with sober and low-key colors such as black, blue, grey and white. Since it’s a formal affair, you definitely cannot wear printed shirts and jeans there so the best thing you can wear to such events three-piece suits or contrasting dress pants and formal shirts. You can also pair a tux but if you find it fancy, it is not at all important. A black or blue blazer with a white shirt in and the pants of the color of the blazer are one of the classiest looks you can flaunt to such events. It is important that you look your simpler and finer self to such events if you wish to be the center of attention there. To get known to some unique styles of blazer and coats, you can check out Movies Jackets where you can easily get access to some amazingly designed products.


When you are surrounded by your friends, you are basically the most organic version of yourself and it least likely that you will be judged for any of your choices when it comes to dressing. The parties arranged with friends are funkier than anything formal and this opens you to a lot of options you can opt for dressing yourself up. Talking about those first which should be avoided include anything sober and distressed such as three-piece suits and simple light-colored coats as they are inclined more towards being formal and that is what you don’t have to be in a funky party or basically somewhere you have your friends around. Vibrant colors such as red, golden, shiny blue, silver, pink and all the quirky colors go completely well for such occasions and basically are the most noticed too. With a pair of jeans, you can complement printed blazers or vibrant dark colored shirts and bang on, you will look fantastic. You can also take inspiration from different movies and to make it easier for you, we recommend that you check out the Top Gun Jacket Collection on Movie Jackets to get an idea of how quirky you can get and what else you might require to be the crazier version of yourself.


Christmas or Easter parties where you are surrounded more with your family are basically the kind of gatherings that come under this heading. You cannot be your absolute crazier version there to avoid judgments from your sneaky relatives and it is not obligatory to go completely low-key or formal. You need to keep it in between and moderate and this is where the trouble begins. To keep it in between the two extremes is a difficult task that you need to an expert if you wish to be a good stylist and if you wish to look comfortable and enjoying. For such gathering, avoid colors that are a little too vibrant or sparkling and go with colors like black, brown, and pink, maroon which are informal but not crazy. Avoid over quirky prints and over stripped jeans as well; a little of it is okay. With anything inside, you can simply put on classy Leather Jackets paired with any colored jeans and there you are, it is that simple or basically the easiest! If not leather jackets, you can also opt for Leather Jackets are they are super stylish and you will definitely be standing out among everyone!

CONCLUSIVELY, if you are well versed with the art of attiring yourself in only the above mentioned three types of parties, you can dress up anywhere with utmost perfection as any other gathering would definitely lie among any of the three.


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