Home Business & Career Education Every Classroom Needs A Pull-Down Map

Every Classroom Needs A Pull-Down Map

pull down maps for classroom

Think about the basic setup for an elementary school classroom just like pull-down maps for classroom. Unless you are a teacher (and even maybe if you are) you’re probably envisioning brightly colored rugs and books, posters with motivational or catchy phrases, toys and lots of other eclectically selected miscellanies to make the space feel more inviting. You wouldn’t be wrong, and there you have your mental image of an elementary school classroom.

Now envision a high school social studies, history, or world cultures classroom. What does that room contain? It’s probably much more somber than an elementary classroom, with more neutral tones suffusing the scene.

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Why pull down maps for classroom is important?

Bare desks are organized into military rows. Maybe there is some ornamentation on the desk of the teacher, and maybe not. If so, it might be something humble like a globe, a houseplant or a framed picture.

Elementary and secondary education are vastly different, and you probably don’t need additional convincing to apprise you of this fact. These two spaces seem pretty different, but what is it that they both will certainly have in common once you start to peel the layers back. Hint: It’s something that’s central to the instruction of course material itself.

Answer: A Pull-Down Map! Every classroom from first grade through middle school, and even then, every classroom that in any way deals with culture or history is going to need a pull-down map (or some other arrangement of school maps) in its setup.

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Even though they might have seemed like decor to unscrupulous eyes, teachers lean on maps for everything from simple momentary reference to in-depth comparison. Teachers need maps to show how people came to be in one place from another, how cultures infuse themselves into regions, and how the course of history affects boundaries and the use of resources.

Of course, maps teach far more than this, and if you’re particularly discerning, then you certainly can get a classroom map that serves as decor as well. But one thing is for sure – a classroom just isn’t a classroom without a pull-down map.

Quality maps are hard to come by and it seems like while you can find a map for your classroom at any bookstore or big box, there are fewer and fewer specialists that really know their business.

At World Maps Online, however, that can be a thing of the past. There’s no generalization at World Maps Online, just downright expertise that ranges from in-depth knowledge of the different projections to have cartography has evolved over time. Take a look at World Maps Online to see for yourself just how many styles and projections they offer.

And since you’re looking for a pull down maps for classroom specific, take a look at their offering of classroom pull-down maps. They have one of the largest selections of pull-down maps in the business. They offer educational pull-down maps of the world, the United States, and of many different regions.

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They offer historical maps, geographic maps, political maps, state maps, and combinations of all these so that your classroom map setup will contain all of the relevant information you need to make your lessons not only informative but relevant and engaging. They even offer these maps with flexibility in mounting options to make it easier for you to figure out how you can incorporate the maps into your setup.

Another note

World Maps Online specializes in creating custom maps as well, so if you need to teach a lesson with acute historical, regional or cultural specificity, reach out to them to create a custom map for those particular uses. Contact them at [email protected] to speak with them about creating a custom map for you.

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