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All Stages and Trimesters of Pregnancy

Trimester of Pregnancy

Congratulations on your pregnancy; although every pregnancy has a different experience, there are three standard stages called the trimesters of pregnancy. Pregnant women go through this trimester during nine months of pregnancy. The average period of pregnancy is 40 weeks, and it can vary from 37 to 42 weeks. However, it is divided into three trimesters. Every trimester lasts between 12 to 14 weeks or three months period. 

Each trimester of pregnancy comes with its specific hormonal change, and each pregnant woman may experience these hormonal and physiological changes. You should be aware that your growing baby is affected by your body, but these pregnancy stages help you become a better version of yourself and accept the physical changes in your body. 

Stages and Trimesters of Pregnancy

At various times pregnancy anxiety comes from the unknown. The more you discover, the better you feel. Now let’s dive and learn more about the pregnancy stages and what you can expect.

First Trimester (0 to 13 Weeks)

It is a crucial trimester for your baby’s development. During this pregnancy stage, the baby’s body and organ system develop. The first trimester is calculated from the last day of your last period, and the conception takes place in week 2. The first trimester may remain before 12 weeks. 

In the first trimesters of pregnancy, you may not look pregnant, but your body is going through several changes as it accommodates your growing baby. In the beginning days of incubation, our uterus starts to support the growth of the placenta and fetus. Then your body adds to its supply to carry oxygen and nutrients to the developing baby, and in this time, your heart rate may increase. 

Changes you may feel in the first trimester:

  • Extreme fatigue
  • Craving of food
  • Mood swings
  • Swollen Breast
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Headaches

At the end period of the first pregnancy stage a baby’s organs are starting to develop, so maintaining a healthy diet at this time is also crucial. You should include a sufficient amount of folic acid in your diet to prevent the baby from neural defects.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, there is also a chance of miscarriage is high so you must be careful about everything. Even your food intake should be checked and mark what you should avoid during your pregnancy. You must know what foods that you should avoid, below we have listed that:

  • Raw Eggs
  • Raw Salads
  • Drumsticks
  • Peach
  • Cheese
  • Sea Food
  • Caffeine
  • Pineapple
  • Alcohol and smoking and many more.

If you are addicted to smoking and alcohol, then you may increase your pregnancy complications and birth abnormalities. 

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How can you deal with changes? 

Caring for your health and changes in your diet will minimize the chances of miscarriage and further help you to stay healthy with a fit body. You may spend time with few things you like reading books, listening to light music which will give you peace of mind. 

Second Trimester of Pregnancy (14 to 26 Weeks)

The second trimester of pregnancy is called the “golden period,” and it is considered the most comfortable time of pregnancy. Most of the distressing pregnancy symptoms may gradually disappear.

In the second pregnancy stage, you may feel energetic and sleep peacefully in the night. Ultimately you may experience a new set of symptoms. The uterus will enhance rapidly, and your abdomen will start to look pregnant. 

Changes you may feel in the second trimester:

  • Cramps in legs
  • Heartburn
  • Pain in back
  • Nasal congestion
  • Varicose veins
  • Pain in ankles with mild swelling

In the second trimester, the baby’s main organs are in place, and it starts to kick off your baby’s growth spurt. You may feel that you are gaining some weight and growing more appetite. In the second trimester of pregnancy, weight gain is typical, but excess weight can be troublesome. You need to consult with a doctor on each visit about your weight and baby’s weight also. 

Many women feel the movement of the baby the first time, usually around 20 weeks in the second trimester. The baby starts to hear and even recognizes the voice.

Some crucial test is also required to check about the growth of baby. An anatomy ultrasound might be performed between 18 to 22 weeks; at this ultrasound, the doctor gets a better idea how the baby looks like. However, the fetal organs are still at the developing stage but they all are structured and it includes all the inflow and outflow tracts of the heart. The purpose behind doing an ultrasound is to check all of the fetus’s anatomies and determine everything is normal.

How can you deal with changes? 

For second-trimester changes, keep treating yourself with a healthy diet. For avoiding swelling issues, stay active, and if you are not walking, try to put your feet up. And you should try avoiding standing for a long time but must engage in light exercise to stay active and healthy. The following activities may help you to stay active:

  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Try to climb few stairs instead of using lift
  • Daily do Arms Exercise
  • Gardening
  • Swimming

Third Trimester (27 to 40 Weeks)

Finally, you reached your last pregnancy stage, and many women are probably excited and nervous about the birth of a baby. In the third trimester of pregnancyyou will start seeing your doctor more quickly.

Third Trimester

The doctor wills regularly checkups:

  • Fetal heart rate
  • Check your blood pressure level
  • Urine test to check protein level
  • Check to sell on hands and legs

In the last trimester, the doctor will check your baby’s position and cervix to analyze how is your body is preparing for the birth of a child. At the last pregnancy stagethe symptoms may continue to increase, and the spaces in your lower abdomen get tight. With passing days, your uterus gets bigger, pushing your stomach up and creating pressure on your bladder. The fatigue situation will again arise, and you feel uncomfortable while sleeping. 

Changes you may feel in the third trimester:

  • Stretch marks around your stomach
  • Heartburn
  • Constipation
  • Indigestion
  • Leaky breast
  • Realistic dreams

In the last weeks of the pregnancy stage, the baby’s growth was relatively quick. The organs like the lungs, the kidney is at the stage of finishing, and the brain continues to develop. You have been restricted to travel in the last few days, and it is advisable to stay near your doctor.

How can you deal with changes? 

It’s time to start practicing kegel exercise that supports strengthening your pelvic floor. Try to avoid drinking any fluid at late night which helps to cut your bathroom trips. Also, sleep on your left side because it is best for the baby’s circulation.


Pregnancy, childbirth, and the preceding few months with a new child are unlike every other time in life. They are complete with the latest experiences, excellent uncertainty, upheavals, and lots of new emotions.

Getting regular prenatal care is essential throughout all trimesters of pregnancy. A doctor can assure you that the fetus meets its developmental milestones and that the pregnant women are in in correct health.

Also Read – What Does A Gynecologist Do During Pregnancy?


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